This is an age old question that has been debated by insurers, brokers and owners since the ink dried on the first classic car policy and there is still no definitive answer.

Multi car insurance covers multiple vehicles under one policy providing there are more vehicles than drivers. You can’t drive all the vehicles at the same time, therefore, the level of risk is reduced. This is why insurance companies apply discounts to multi car insurance policies.

Multi car insurance also requires all vehicles are registered at one primary address, however, we can accommodate a second address such as storage premises or a second home such as a holiday house.

Multi car insurance is perfect for family or shared households with permanent occupants. It is also very suitable for owners or collectors of classic cars or niche vehicles who use daily drives.

Providing there are more cars (unless a collection of classic bikes), our multi car insurance can include your daily drive, motorbikes, motorhomes, classic cars, performance cars, modified 4x4s, kit and replica cars, ex-military vehicles and vans.

Multi Car Insurance policy with a Volkswagen, Mercedes and Mini

How does multi car insurance work?

Your address has more vehicles than drivers. The vehicles are also owned and driven by different people living at the address such as your partner or family members, all with different renewal dates.

After getting a quote from us, you decide to take out a multi car insurance policy because it is more cost effective. Your 12 monthly policy starts when the first vehicle joins. We use short term cover for all vehicles that join after to align all your renewal dates with your first vehicle.

For example, your children have flown the nest leaving yourself and your partner living at the family home. You currently have a Volkswagen and Mini which are used for daily drives. You also own a luxury Mercedes which is used for special occasions and weekend drives.

Multi Car Insurance policy with a Volkswagen, Mercedes and Mini

The Volkswagen is the first to join your policy in February. When the Mini joins in May, we cover it up until February the following year on a pro rata premium. The same is done when the Mercedes joins in August. This means all three cars end up renewing in February of next year saving you time because you only have to deal with one renewal from now on.

What is a multi car insurance discount?

With our multi car insurance policies, you may even receive the full multi car discount on your first vehicle from day one. This means you don’t wait for the other vehicles to join the policy in order to have the full multi car discount. By doing this, we ensure the overall premium is competitive and the right insurance company is selected at the start who can accommodate all of your vehicles and driving requirements.

Is it cheaper to get a multi car discount?

Providing you meet our requirements, multi car insurance is generally cheaper than having an individual policy per vehicle. We also give additional discounts for limited mileage and if you are a member of a car and enthusiasts club or vehicle trust. These discounts are applied on top of your multi car discount so it really is a win-win situation.

You also the features and benefits of a standard motor insurance policy all in one contract so there is no detriment in cover:

  • Agreed value
  • Limited mileage discounts
  • Club discounts
  • Protected no claims bonus
  • Driving other cars extension
  • Uninsured driver promise
  • Courtesy car

Our head of multi car is Jayne Jordan who has been underwriting and broking this type of insurance for over 25 years all with the UK’s leading providers.

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